Life In Two

Hi there,

I am really glad to bring to you my first book – Life In Two.

Life in Two is a journey regarding the choices we all get to make. Let me take you, the reader, on an exploration of some of the most common challenges we all face.

I maintain there are always, at a minimum, at least two alternatives. I share my experience as corporate warrior, a dad, a husband, a community worker and someone who studies the human condition.

Take pleasure in reading this journey, but then take the step to reflect on your own.

It’s an invitation to turn up, to take a path less travelled and to, above all else, to choose a mindset and act! I promise you it’s an easy read and not too long (only 100 pages!).

If you would like to buy a either an electronic or printed copy just click here to order on line.

Importantly, A$5.00 from each printed copy sold and the full sale amount of every ePub version will be donated to the wonderful Christina Noble Children’s Foundation a charity very near and dear to me and my family.




What people are saying about Life In Two

Well, I had two choices. Buy it now or wait, revisit and most probably forget about it. I bought the book and immediately started reading and can’t stop!” – Erica

“What an excellent read. It’s definitely got me thinking about how I can positively influence choices I make!” – Tori

“I couldn’t put the book down. It held my interest right to the end. I just wish I had this in my earlier life. Although I have had a happy life and am grateful for that, I certainly would have taken more opportunities offered to me, had I “known what I know now” – Cherie

“I just finished your book! It was fantastic!!! I loved all the ‘positivity mentions’ and just how adjusting your thought process can change so much.” – Jess

“Everyone approaching adulthood should be required , as my father would have said, to Read, Mark and Inwardly Digest, the chapters ‘Action or Procrastination’ and ‘Driven or Along For the Ride’. Altogether a fascinating read-Thank you” – Clive